Board of Directors
Kalan has a Board of seven indigenous Directors. The Board members are a mix of experienced and younger Board members being mentored into corporate governance leadership responsibilities. Kalan has demonstrated the highest standards of corporate governance and maintains a clear separation of duties between governance and operations.
Board of Directors
Allan Creek Chair
- Over 20 years’ Executive Board level experience on (Chair) Cape York Land Council, Balkanu, Cape York Welfare Reform, Coen Regional Aboriginal Corporation
- Participated in all key Cape York indigenous policy deliberations in past 20 years
- Kaantju traditional elder and leader
- Provides cultural advice to all Kalan initiatives
Dion Creek
- Co-founder of Kalan Enterprises
- Emerging southern Kaantju leader
- Currently represents Kaantju people on multiple Land Trusts
Naomi Hobson
- Representative in inaugural Jawun National Leadership program
- Foundation Director of Kalan Enterprises
- Accomplished contemporary artist with displays around Australia and internationally
Lucretia Creek
- Kaantju Traditional Owner
- Currently studying Bachelor Commerce (final year)
- Very ambitious, articulate and self-motivated
Leisha Murgha
- Foundation Director of Kalan Enterprises
- Keen and valuable contributor to Board decisions
Jimmy Shaka Bero
- Foundation Director
- Currently employed as a Queensland Police Service – Indigenous Liaison Officer
- Kaantju Traditional Owner
Jennifer Creek
- Kaantju elder and Cultural
- Kalan Cultural Heritage Officer
For more information on Kalan Enterprises, contact our head office in Coen on phone (07) 4060 1038 or email