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Healthy Country

Healthy Country - Healthy People

Land management is what Kalan does. Land represents the single most important force in connecting people through culture. The landscape has historically been divided into many different clan groups, each of which has knowledge and particular responsibilities associated with their identity. The management of the land is a very consuming process. Spread across thousands of hectares, the ability to effectively manage all the area requires very attuned and realistic planning strategies and targets. For this reason, Kalan has a well trained planning and engagement team.

Four of our staff have gained qualifications as coaches in Open Standards – Conservation Action Planning or CAP. Kalan applies this planning and engagement method to develop overarching plans covering the land and seas we help look after. The beauty of CAP is the ability to engage Traditional Owners and enable sharing of deep knowledge and ideas which are captured and translated into documents outlining scope, targets, threats with prioritised strategies and actions owned and understood by the Traditional Owners and stand up to scientific examination.

This process helps us to understand what are the most important things to do that keeps our targets healthy and manages the threats to a minimum, such as keeping our lagoons in top condition, controlling the affects of feral pigs, maintaining the condition of our natural grasslands and keeping our riverways and small creeks clean, so you can always drink straight from them. This strengthens the culture of looking after places and keeping the country like our old people had it before.

For more information on Kalan Enterprises, contact our head office in Coen on phone (07) 4060 1038 or email office@kalan.org.au

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