Kalan Enterprises – Land Management Activities
All Kalan Enterprises land management activities are guided by cultural protocols and ancient knowledge of country. Some are completed in conjunction with external agencies, including government and universities. All are delivered in accordance with our vision of Healthy People – Healthy Country – Healthy Culture. Examples of current land management activities include, but are not limited to, the below:
- Longitudinal study of the rare and threatened Southern Cassowary on the McIlwraith Range, to determine future management actions that will support and sustain it and to develop tourism products that manage visitation.
- Feral pig eradication across 400,000 acres aimed at eliminating over 30,000 feral pigs across central Cape York. Also involves latest technology and methodology in establishing monitoring sites to understand impacts, movements and reliable population estimates.
- Management of cultural sites, for today, tomorrow and the future.
- Feral cattle eradication and containment of domesticated cattle with newly fenced areas.
- Maintain healthy country by implementing traditional burning methods and keeping country alive by visiting places.
- Invasive weed containment and elimination.
For more information on Kalan Enterprises, contact our head office in Coen on phone (07) 4060 1038 or email office@kalan.org.au